Software Localization Services

Information technology is so omnipresent and that IT has completely changed the way we conduct business is a fact that is as plain as the day and does not even bear mentioning these days. Emails and network calls have long replaced the manila envelopes and paper communication and as have computers replaced typewrites and reams of paper. Storage devices like floppy disk with MBs of space have been replaced by CDs and DVDs, containing MBs and GBs of space, to store a gamut of information about various topics. But none beats internet that offers vast supply of resources for various kinds of information, which frequently and more often than not saves us from a trip to the library! This shows that slowly everything is becoming “digitized” and that automation is here to stay. What this means is that now internationally computers and more specifically software is multiplying. As the playing field is global, the languages and tongues are many. This is how software localization services come into play.

The Changing Face Of International Representation

A recent market study shows that Japan will soon record the highest need for software localization which is closely followed by Germany. This holds true for the way things are progressing. International computer and software users want their computer and software to “talk” to them and that too in their own language. This is not simply for the sake of nation’s pride or patriotism or just plain convenience but a question of productivity. If a person understands a software better he will be more productive and will use his software in a better manner. And anything is best understood in a tongue you are most comfortable with and that usually is the native language. Users who understand the product and services better will use the product skillfully and avoid mistakes and therefore will generally prefer it in their language and adapted to their cultural environment. Hence one must depend on reliable software localization services.

Localization Is Internationalization

With the kind of response that the internet is garnering it is of utmost importance for manufacturers to localize their products and to establish a worldwide presence. Localization or more specifically software localization is a process where a product is changed to adapt to a specific locale which is the language, the cultural norms and standards as well as the needs and expectations of the target market users. This is of vital importance because users will feel at home when interacting with such software and will receive messages from the system in their language, will input data in their language like names, places, etc and mostly the error messages will be comprehensible to them and not some technical slang in a language that they barely understand.

Typically, software localization is done from English to some foreign language as most international software originates in the United States.

Why Should You Localize?

Software localization service offers software localization which helps to increase your market share as it brings you in the reckoning with the local products available in the market. Undertaking software localization is a technical, strategic and commercial commitment which is not without its rewards. A company is not only immediately internationalized but also earns the tag of being a socially responsible, helpful and accommodating company. A major reason is financial. Usually, software is free of cost. Most of the software is available on the internet for free. Sometimes money is asked for by asking for financial support, paid services but all in all it is just no cost. For your company to turn a profit you need something that is not available for free. That is software in a language that is not available for free. This is a service that people will always be ready to pay for. It also makes your software unique and something that the user cannot just browse and ignore. And only a software localization company which offers Software localization can help you to get acquire that unique service.

We live in a world where 6900 languages are spoken and at last count 350 of them are spoken by more than a million people at least. Since so many people don’t speak English what is the better of the following two options: to teach the rest of the people English or work on the computers to make them interact in other languages? There are many benefits of software localization. It saves on the training costs that the “new” users would have otherwise incurred. It enables more productivity and preserves the right of an individual to his native language. It increases the popularity quotient. It supports higher education in IT in other languages and provides fair access to knowledge without language barriers.

The software localization entails translation of software strings, manuals, documentation, help and error messages and such to the specific native language. During the activity of such translation software encoding changes might be involved. Consider that the size of dialog boxes may need to change depending on the change in the length of message string as on the language. It will also imply design changes based on the needs of the language and culture of the specific location. Various factors go into localizing any software. One has to consider the specific target language inside out before the work of translation even begins. Some languages are written from right to left instead of the standard left to right format and then some are written from bottom to top as opposed to top to bottom. Another aspect is the characters of the target language and whether they can be represented on the computer and the kind of programming required for special characters.

All this is a tedious, lengthy and a costly process. Which is why it makes sense to invest in a software localization services offered by a software localization company such as International Lingual Institute which not only ensures that your money is well spent but also to make sure that the job is well done with minimum headaches and is error free.

Also, International Lingual Institute (ILI) is an experienced player in the Indian as well as International market which offers software localization services at reasonable cost. You will always get the best deal and the satisfaction of a job well accomplished.

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